Monday, December 10, 2007

Program Practices

Program Practices

As a member of a Basketball program you have the privilege to represent your school or organization. Much of the school spirit and social atmosphere is a result of your athletic effort. This privilege comes with responsibilities and an obligation to set an example for your peers and younger students. The following expectations, procedures, rules and requirements are designed to assist you in your endeavors as a young athlete.

  • To be at all games and practices.
  • To be 100% committed during practice and games
  • To know your role and responsibilities on the team be it a starter or non-starter.
  • To pay attention to your captains; they are the coach’s reps on the court.
  • To support and work together at all times; a team effort will enable us to be successful

Practice Procedures:
  • All team members are expected to attend all practices.
  • If you are unable to attend practice, you should see a coach personally before practice starts and you must have a valid excuse for missing practice. (Having a friend tell coach at practice or leaving a note in a mailbox is not acceptable.)
  • ALL TEAM MEMBERS should be on the court and warming up by practice start time. (ALL TEAM MEMBERS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO BE AT PRACTICE ON TIME)
  • Get a signed note from the Adult, teacher or person who delays you in getting to practice on time.
  • Selected Tournament Players must commit to practice and participate in the tournament. Any player unable to attend the tournament should let the coaches know ASAP.
  • Open Gym / shoot around may be called during vacation periods. The days and times will be determined later. You should try to practice on your own whenever possible.

Game Procedures for Players:
  • Weekend games: Plan to leave earlier for the game. Give yourself extra time to arrive for the pre game talk. Your tardiness effects the whole team! Get to location early!
  • Be dressed and taped at leased 30 minutes before game time. Be ready to go. Studies show that game mental preparation takes a minimum of 40 minutes to prepare yourself for a basketball game
  • Prior to a game, quiet time is needed to reflect on your responsibilities as a player, team member and a representative of the Basketball Team Program. Take some time (5-10 minutes) for game preparation by visualizing yourself playing in the upcoming game. During the pre-game talk you should be ready mentally to listen and focus on instructions.
  • Time-outs: Sprint to the huddle, those playing must get to a visible area to see diagrams, and listen. Time-outs are short, and meant for regrouping. For us to put together a strategy for success. This is not a time for criticism amongst others, it is a time for support and or confirmation. Be positive, be winners. Show hustle and discipline getting to the time out early and eager to listen. All players must join in on the huddle to show support and know what our game plan will be in case you are substitutes.
  • Do not ask the coach to be substituted in at any time. Do not take it personally. This is part of competitive play at this level. The game will be evaluated and substitutions made as the game proceeds.
  • Starters are the judgement of the coach. These players will best represent us in the games. Starters are based on a combination of skill level, team work, performance in practice and attitude.

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